Sunday, April 3, 2011


Contraculture E- Magazine logo

Hi everyone!
This will be my last post on this blog. It has been a fantastic two years with y'all, discussing faith, the African church and related topics. Thank you for coming to visit regularly. Now I am taking things to the next level and this blog will be evolving into a magazine  named  contraculturemag. I have been able to move all your posts and comments so we will just continue from where we stopped. The difference is that posts are much better organized and so you can better access and enjoy the content!
I will also be bringing you a lot of original content from musicians, missionaries and pastors - people who are engaged in the front-lines of the spiritual battlefield!

So please come over to the online magazine and join me as I take African related spiritual content to the next level! 

See you at ContraCulturemag.
