Monday, February 28, 2011

Church in the News: Nigerian Pastor in Britain charged with sex offenses

I am not sure of what to think of this one ooo. I am reserving judgment until I hear all the evidence. Hmmm!!
Evangelical pastor charged with sex offences
The pastor of a global evangelical movement based in the UK has been charged with sex offences against former members of his congregation. Dr Albert Odulele who runs Glory House International in London is to appear in court next week. One charge alleges indecent assault of a child under the age of 16. Dr Odulele, who is 47 years old, is a major figure in the word of evangelism. His church, based in east London, says it has a congregation of 3,000, but he has many more followers around the world through appearances at international evangelic conferences, on religious TV programmes and videos on YouTube.
Registered charity
The church has been a registered charity for 18 years and turns over £2million a year. He was arrested last summer by the Metropolitan Police's Major Child Abuse Investigation Unit.

Click below for more news and video

Thursday, February 24, 2011

One wife, 3 husbands!!

So, fine! This has nothing to do with faith, or Africa, but its so fascinating, I had to post it. From East, to West to North, to South, in every corner of the globe, women have tried to come to terms with the polygamous nature of the male of the species. All you do is pick one and pray most earnestly that he keeps his pants zipped. However, not everyone seems to buy that idea or accept it as natural. See for yourself:

Na wah o - so any ladies thinking of moving to the Himalayas?  LOL!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Prayer VII: GOD speaking through other people

The old and new testaments are full of accounts of prophets through whom GOD spoke to HIS people. And yet, GOD spoke many times through ordinary people too. You have to be discerning enough  to test the spirit behind what people say to you. But many times, GOD uses the most unlikely people to bring you your answers.

There are several examples in the bible:
For prophets:
There are several, but one of the most poignant is found in 2 Samuel 12. David had sinned terribly, so GOD sent Nathan to him:

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hon. Patrick Obahiagbon explains why he speaks too much grammar

I had earlier mentioned this dude here and one of the people who commented thought that it was a fake posting. Since then, everybody has come to know the honorable and his big big English. Now he explains how and why he does it. I am not sure that the explanation does not leave you even more confused though!! LOL!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pastor Adeboye on CNN

The general overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of GOD, Pastor EA Adeboye was recently featured on CNN's African voices.  See the video and transcript of the interview below:

Prayer VI: GOD speaking through circumstances

Another way GOD speaks is through circumstances. When GOD  is trying to tell you something, HE sometimes closes doors and opens others so that what HE is saying is very, very clear.

There are several  examples of this, but I will just highlight two:

a)Jonah and the whale

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's day music playlist_2011

Hello people,
Hope you are having a wonderful val's day?  I put together a val's day playlist last year, and then decided to do same this year. You can view last year's playlist here or here.
I enjoy secular music once it is clean and appeals to our higher (not baser) instincts. I think all these songs do that to some extent and there is one for every possible val's day scenario. Enjoy the selection after the jump.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Church in the News: Acid attack after girl branded a witch by pastor

Okay, this is just one of those stories that makes you want to SHOUT! Shout something reallly bad. But I wont. I will just post it so that you can see for yourself the products of fanaticism, illiteracy and poverty and what a fatal cocktail they can be when combined:

For those who don't know her, Comfort Sunday is the 14-year-old girl whose father poured acid on her after a pastor convinced her family that she was a witch and the source of all her family's problems. The father took her to an uncompleted building, where he poured a tin-full of corrosive acid on her.

Comfort was until the incident a JSS II student of Government Secondary School, Akwanga, and was living with her father, Sunday James, 61, and her stepmother, Justina Abimiku, 52. She lost her mom at a tender age and had been severally maltreated by her step mum.

Very disturbing pictures and more after the jump:

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Prayer V: Music and prayer

 So we are still talking about how GOD speaks right? Today we are talking about music. When we meet in person ladies, we will talk about this a little more in depth. Suffice to say that music is not just for entertainment purposes. When used right, it is a tool by which we communicate praise, worship, adoration, supplication, petition, etc to GOD, and a medium by which HE can communicate comfort, peace, joy and provision to us. 

The entire book of psalms is full of songs that are used as prayers – David was a “melancholy” full of emotion and feeling and music was his vehicle of communicating with GOD.  And as for GOD’s responses, here are a few passages that speak to the phenomenon of GOD speaking through music:

Monday, February 7, 2011

President Goodluck Jonathan at the Redemption Camp

 Pastor Adeboye is a powerful man oooo! Are you impressed by President Goodluck, or you think of it as a political gimick? Lots of people were very upset when pictures of The president kneeling before the Man of God came out. How do y'all feel about it? The happens @ the 13:21 minute mark.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Pastor Bakare's sermon on his decision to run.

I am sorry that this is turning into Bakareville. I am just sooo fascinated by his decision to run. I have listened to Pastor Tunde Bakare's teaching for years and I have always loved it. I am really curious about what he is thinking in taking this decision. Well, you can hear from the horse's mouth here:

It is a powerful sermon, particularly towards the end. He seems to infer that this is GOD's will. I find all of this very, very confusing. Well sha, Like I said, GOD knows.
Find below article to which he was referring :

Church in the News: Christ embassy ordered to stop miracle ads in South Africa

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome in the news again. I am not a Christ Embassy hater o, please, I just report the news as I see it. Have you ever seen any of those crusades on TV, heard the testimonies on the healing line and wondered what was going on? Apparently you are not the only one. The government of South Africa was wondering  the same thing, have concluded that the testimonies are not real (at least in Christ Embassy) and have ordered the TV station airing healing ads to "cease and desist".  I believe that faith healing does happen, but there are a lot of buts! Anyways, that is another story for another day.
So what do y'all think of the article below? Should Nigeria have a similar law?

Church in the News: Tunde Bakare: From pulpit to soap box

Just came across this very interesting opinion piece. The writer thinks that Pastor Bakare is wasting his time and should have stayed in advocacy. What do y'all think?  Win or lose though, I think Pastor Bakare will be the big news item  of this election cycle.

It has the colouration of a transmutation, but to those who know Pastor Tunde Bakare, General Overseer of the Latter Rain Assembly, Ogba, Lagos, fairly, closely, his acceptance of General Muhammadu Buhari’s offer of running with him in the April presidential election is not in any way out of sync with his character; it is really an opportunity for the fiery cleric to accomplish his desire of being an agent of change in the country.
Long before it became expedient for him to convene the Save Nigeria Group (SNG), Bakare had said in an interview that, “I’m a trained lawyer. I trained under Gani Fawehinmi and Rotimi Williams. I wanted to practise my profession. I had three things at the back of my mind in my life: to be a successful legal practitioner, to get to the peak of my career and to be a successful millionaire. I wanted to use both law and business to go into politics. That was my triangle.”

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Church in the News: Oba orders church closed

The closed church!!
This is my last post today I promise. I should be doing so many other things at the moment that its not even funny. But I just saw this and thought that the gist was too sweet not to share. When you think that you have heard it all, you then hear something new. Na wah for waya oooo!!

Hundreds of worshippers at Saint Paul African Church, Alagbado, Ogun State, on Sunday took to their heels as some hoodlums in the area attacked them with canes, stones and other weapons, preventing them from having normal Sunday service in the church.

What the h*&l is going on in Northern Nigeria?

Seriously people,
Have we become so desensitized that we really don't care about all these killings anymore? Is it now everyman for himself even among us so called educated elites? This is getting ridiculous now! Really!! Check out the following news reports:

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Devotional: Prayer IV

Looks like we will be talking about prayer for the foreseeable future. I guess I should stop calling it a devotional and instead call it a bible study because that is what it is. But anyways,  just hunker down and enjoy the ride. LOL! So we were talking about how GOD speaks to us the last time and the focus was on the quiet voice that we need to listen for. Actually, that is the primary way GOD speaks. All the other ways that we are going to examine are all supporting mechanisms so to speak. The quiet impression from GOD – that is the most important and fundamental mechanism that needs to be cultivated.
Today, we examine GOD speaking through HIS word.  As the word says: