Oh Andy!!!
You know, I really got into Wimbledon this year, even though I have so much going on. By the time the weekend and the finals rolled around, I was totally emotionally invested, pumped and psyched. Like everyone else, I was expecting the Fed to rollover Andy Roddick, because there was just no way we were going to get a final like that Nadal-Federer match that occurred last year. Deep down though, I was hoping Roddick would give a fight. I had watched his semifinal match against Murray, and dude was really good, so I was rooting for him.
Sunday morning, I got up, watched the first set while preparing for church. Roddick won it 7-5. I did some quick calculations in my head, knew Roger would come back, and concluded that it would be at least a four set match. So I went to church, came back one and a half hours later, and there they were, still slamming away. It eventually went to the fifth set, and what a set it was - astonishing! Thrilling! Competitive! Evenly matched! Andy Roddick was like the rock of Gibralter - unflappable, unmovable, unyielding. It went on to 14 games. 14!!!! DANG! I was almost praying for Roddick - like ahah! Which one now? What else does a person have to do to win Wimbledon?
When it came to championship point for the Fed, I was willing Andy to survive it. I was praying the Fed would not break him. When he lost, I nearly cried o - chei! The ting pain me no be small. I was heartbroken. This was supposed to be Andy's year dang it!! But anyways, that is life - input does not always equal output. Not every story has a fairy tale ending. I still find it extremely sad though(sob, sob).
Some highlights here:
Anyways, while I found Roger Federer's story amazing (15 slams? Chei!!) I must say that Andy's determination inspired me. All the odds, numbers, popular sentiment were against him. But it was clear that the dude believed in himself and in his training. And he easily could have won it. He has my total and complete respect, and I really hope that this does not break his spirit. Please come back next year and win because you can!
As for the ladies finals, one of my cousins - also a tennis freak, has renamed Wimbledon Williamsdon (I need to call him sef!! LOL). Those Williams sisters have totally dominated that court since 2001 - absolutely astonishing!! It is really amazing to see people that good at what they do.
You can watch highlights of their match here:
Much respect, ladies, much respect.
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