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Anyways, I have a bucket list. I have not written it down, but there are quite a few things I want to do, see , experience before I cross over to the other side. What's on my list? I aint telling! But there is one thing I will share: I have always wanted to travel Africa. I think that despite the bad rap , there is a lot of beauty on the continent. Imagine my surprise and delight (well, and a little envy!) when I discovered that I am not the only one who had this idea, but that a couple of girls were actually going to carry it out.
Chioma and Oluchi Ogwuegbu are two sisters who lived in Nigeria, had this dream and decided to Just do it!!

They quit their jobs, withdrew their life savings, and hit the road. So far, they have visited Ghana, Burkina Faso, Gambia, Mali, Senegal, Guinea Bissau, Cameroun, Cote d'Ivoire, Guinea, and Sierra Leone. By the time they end this adventure, they would have passed through 20 African countries. Did you say wow? That is what I said too. They have a fabulous blog where they share their journey in colorful detail : See here

The press has also started to take notice - read about them on the BBC or in the Punch newspaper here and here you can watch them describe their experiences here; or you can listen to a short interview on the BBC here.
I am so inspired by these ladies. They make me want to go somewhere or do something!! Life is short, so I tell you, make your bucket list and start to do it. I am going to do the African thingy for sure - eventually (LOL)!!
the charm and magic of daring... what a tale...