First up - Lara George. Lara an architect by training, released her debut album, Forever in my heart, in 2007. Her single off the album "Ijoba Orun" was a smash hit, and even non Nigerians who had no idea what the song meant still fell in love with it. Lara sings with passion, zeal, creativity and dexterity . Alright, that was a cheesy description, but homegirl can sing!!!!
In case you were wondering, this is what it means:
Ijoba orun lere onigbagbo o (2ce)
(The kingdom of God/Heaven is the reward of believers)
Ma je n kuna, Baba, mu mi dele o
Ma je n kuna , Baba se, mu mi dele o
(Don’t let me fall by the wayside, father, take me there (Heaven))
Owo ti mo ni ko le mu mi dele o
Moto ti mo ra ko le wa mi dele o
Ore ti mo ni ko le sin mi dele o
Gbogbo Iwe ti mo ri ka ko le gbe mi dele o
(My money, my friends, my cars, my degree/education, lands/houses cannot take me to heaven etc.....)
Ma je n kuna, Baba, mu mi dele o
(Don’t let me fall, father, lead me home)
Kin ma ku s’ajo bi eefin, mu mi dele o
(Let me not evaporate like smoke on this journey, please take me home i plead)
Aye loja orun nile, mu mi dele o
Aye loja , orun nile se, mu mi dele o
(This earth is only a market place, God's kingdom/Heaven is our real home, please take me home)
Mumi dele o (8ce)
Mama a je’n kuna
Ile ayo, ile ogo, ile alafia....
(Home of joy, Home of glory, Home of peace.......Heaven...)
Fig Tree - Lara George
Just a few of my fav. Mrs George songs. In fact, I love the entire cd. When I first got it, I played it over and over until I could sing all the songs by heart.

However, Lara is at it again o. She has a new album due in August, and she has magnanimously allowed us to get a sneak peak. The single is called "Kole baje" and it is slamming!!
Hear it for yourself here.
Oh yes, if you are interested in buying her first cd, its available here
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