Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Never give up! and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

Hi peeps,
How now? Hope all is well? The temperature was in the '70s today, and it made me sooo happy. Winter is gone **in singsong voice** Halleluyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Alright, enough silliness. I know its been a while since I have written a decent article on this blog, but its because there is too much stuff I am supposed to be thinking about with this my small head. However, I am cooking something up that I think will prove to be controversial. Some will like it, some will hate it, others will not care. So stay tuned. LOL!!

What are we talking about today? First of all, I swam 26 laps of the pool today. Why is that significant? Because I never, ever, ever thought I would be able to swim. The first time I tried, I could not stay afloat, and I went backwards instead of forwards when I tried to kick. I have come a long way from those humiliating days let me tell you. I am not the best swimmer technique wise, but I don't care baby. I am swimming laps now. If you refuse to give up, there is no telling what you can do - you hear me? That thing that you are thinking that you cannot do - you, yes you!! Oya, pick it up and try again. If I can swim laps (yes ke, I am proud of myself!), then you can do that thing. So keep working on it. Kapishe?

Speaking of not giving up, I saw an interview that Dr Ellen Johnson Sirleaf- president of Liberia - gave to Jon Stewart of the Daily Show. I dunno how I feel about current presidents talking to comedians, but even Oga Barack was on Leno, so perhaps I should not be complaining too much. But anyways, whether I approve or not, she was there to promote her new book. The interview was kind of inspirational - she came across as Mendelaesque (alright, I made that one up!) in character. I don't really know how she is doing in Liberia though. Hope she is representing for the girls!

See interview below:

Jon Stewart's intro - dude is funny!
The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
Intro - Heads of State Theme Week
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Economic CrisisPolitical Humor

The interview:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Economic CrisisPolitical Humor

So if she could become Africa's first woman president, and I can swim 26 laps (woohooo!) then you can do anything!!


1 comment:

  1. wohoo..what an inspiration. I need to learn how to swim too..a 25yr old grown woman who cannot swim and there are these 1yr olds doing lapses in the pool...I need to cover my shame and sweim.
