Monday, November 1, 2010

Black people have a problem???

I know that I have not published for a while and I apologize most profusely to anyone who has been following my blog and dealing with my tardiness. I have been really, really busy, but I could not resist posting this. Gave me a huge chuckle this morning.
Tell me what you think of our dear Rev Manning. Is there some truth to his assertions? Something we are all thinking but afraid to say??

Say something black people!! Say something!! LOL!!

O jigbi jigbi!! Revd Manning will not kill me o. "You need to hear the truth, and I am gonna tell it!!"



  1. they say the half truth is a full lie... I'd say Rev. Manning tells well dressed lies in the name of the truth... the truth stretched to exaggerating proportions... in many instances, he is a portrayal of ignorance writ large... he makes an ugly caricature of the truth... I must confess though that his diatribe rings with undertones of truth... it is hard to completely dismiss it...

  2. LOL! Completely dismiss it ke? It may be truth covered in hubris, but its still truth. He cracks me up though!!
