Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Church in the news: Bishop Eddie Long in Mediation

So I normally don't comment on 'he said/ he said" (in this case) issues because there is no real way to find the truth. However, this morning, I woke up to the headline that Eddie Long has decided to go into mediation in the sexual misconduct lawsuit brought against him by four young men in his church.

CNN has a video that summarizes the case:

Does it mean that he is guilty? Noo, but....

This dude here has a nice post on the way it looks though:

Bishop Eddie Long agreeing to mediation of sexual coercion charges is an end-run around the universally accepted moral and ethical responsibilities of any ecumenical leader. Mediation of sexual allegation grievances is tantamount to an admission of “some” guilt, “some” form of ministerial misconduct. Innocent folk don’t make deals if the claims against them are baseless and untrue. Mediation for the accused is a forfeiture of the right to ever claim innocence and readers should be absolutely clear on this point.


Its not a good look. It smells of all those Catholic church settlements and we all know how those turned out.

What do y'all think?


1 comment:

  1. true they say if it moves like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is probably a duck... not necessarily, but probably... it smacks of foul play... God knows the truth no matter how many layers of masks anybody tries to wear on it and that is what really matters... we must pray for the leaders of the Church... they are mostly under fire...
