Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Delia Knox miracle

Hi folks!
I came across this story in one of Britain's most popular papers, and I just had to post it. There is a story in the book of Acts where Peter and John face the lame men sitting in front of the temple. He had been lame from birth, but that did not seem to stop the two disciples. Instead of silver and gold, they gave him healing in THAT NAME - the name of JESUS. And immidiately, the guy stood up and entered the temple - walking, leaping and praising GOD. I have always wondered what it would be like to witness something like that. Well, it appears that Delia Knox's story is the modern equivalent. Apparently, Delia is well known in christian circles in Mobile Alabama where she pastors a church with her husband. She has been in a wheelchair for the past 22 years. 22 YEARS! This past August, something happened. Watch for yourself:

Incredible!! It brought tears to my eyes. But even more compelling is the video of Delia's return to that church:

Her performance of that song just gives me goosebumps! Incredible. You can feel the emotion, the power, her gratitude, her worship. When GOD shows up, its incredible!!

And she also gave her testimony there:

And apparently the press took notice:

 There is also a feature on her on the front page of the Daily mail, one of England's biggest news websites!! You can read the whole thing here.

There are skeptics all over the place, claiming that she is a fake. Apparently her story also showed up on CNN, and the responses range from those who believe to those who think she is a fake. See here I am always careful about posting things like this, but from my investigations, it does appear that she was well known for her music ministry - she had been ministering in her wheelchair for years. So this appears to be an authentic, original miracle!

Be encouraged folks, GOD is still working.  I was so touched by this today, I just had to share.


1 comment:

  1. Me too got touched by this healing.At a time such as this where we have diverted our attention more towards sufferings and persecutions, and forgetting that God still alive, Jesus still Lives, He's with us despite everything.We are certainly in the last days!He's coming soon, i believe.
