Sunday, December 26, 2010

Why can't unmarried black women find a good man?

I found this conversation fascinating. I am not African American, but the issues are relevant across races I think. The higher you go, the harder it becomes. I know its a lot of videos, but its riveting stuff. Enjoy!!

Part 1:

Part 2

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

Part 8:


  1. WOW, I'm an African female myself, and this conversation is not new. The problem with black women finding black men is the fact that they are way too picky and demanding of their black men. It's true that the higher the black woman goes, the harder it is to find "her kind of man". Many black women want a black man that is at her level or higher. Also, if she happens to find that man, Oh Lord, here comes some more demands. I just watched the first video, and Sherri is like, "I want a man to wash my weave". Is she serious?? Come one, there are plenty of good men out there; it's just that they don't meet all of the black womens' demands. I like the face-off in the first video. These women have to BE WHAT THEY ARE LOOKING FOR.

  2. Hmmm! Girlfriend, its not that easy o. I do not want us to blame the victim here. While it may be true that SOME women are picky (emphasis on SOME!!), many women just want a good man who will love them and stay faithful to them. If you watch the videos to the point where they talk about infidelity, you will see that the men are unable to deal with that issue without hemming and hawwing! Fine, perhaps washing the wig or taking out cornrows is a bit extreme, but the point is that you want a man who will make an effort to love you the way you want to be loved. And there is also something to be said about the quality, faith and moral choices of many of the black men out there. Truth is, pickings are slim!! I think black women should date whoever will date them as long as they are on the same wavelength - regardless of whether the guy is black, white or brown.

  3. I am in accord with Holyebony on some of his/her comments. Black women need to develop core values of what they want in a man. Once they have determine those core values, they must adhere to them in their search for a mate. If they encounter a man that embodies the core values they seek,I would argue they should actively pursue that relationship regardless of his race, height, education, physical appearance, socio-economic status...etc. I believe all to often some black women succumb to peer, family and/or other external pressures and bypass good prospects for fear of what others may think. Highly desirable brothers, however a sister defines that term represent a small segment of the African American male population, many sisters suggest their aren't good brothers out there because they are unable to permanently engage one of these coveted men. Those men, like very beautiful women have the pick of the litter, so why you?

  4. If you would like to know why some African American females are still single and can't attract a good Christian man, check out my new Christian book entitled, "THE FEMALE FOOL:10 Reasons Why You Aren't Attracting a Good Christian Man".
